what is your favorite air sign?
Just started watching season 1 and honestly I don’t get the Kate hate. I love her as a player.
If you’re not obsessed with me I lose interest… and I hate that. 😭
Whats something that is considered a “poor ppl meal” that you would still eat if you became extremely wealthy?
What does my chart say about me
Are you a Leo? Has this been one of the worst years of your life?
Hmm..which sign?
who gave you the best sex of your life and what is their sign?
everything i find shitty about each sign
As per your Sun sign, which neighbor signs do you prefer more and less? and why? Like does a Leo prefer a Cancer or Virgo more than the other?
Say I love you without saying “I love you” and we will guess your Venus
I think I had a war death experience while washing my hair
How much do you think charisma/likability carries you when looking for a job?
Good to go?
[Texas] Can you get benefits without a TX drivers license?
[Megathread] Refunds/Disbursement of Aid
You’re in a zombie apocalypse and your username is what you have to work with. How screwed are you?
Can't get apartment.
What “cheap” food would you still eat no matter how rich you got?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Does anyone else prefer to go get their hair done professionally rather than do it themselves?
Anyone else absolutely limping towards the finish line this term?!
I freeze when I talk to women
Shout out to the professors who grade early