Standard deviation of time offset is too large, rejecting synchronization -- How to prevent this?
Lunch today
Birthday was 2 days ago. No body give me anything so I pulled the trigger
First thing you’re smelling?
New Year’s Wagyu NY Strip
Stellar Blade - NieR:Automata DLC launches on November 20
Sitting on me flapping/flicking wings. Just hanging out or being naughty boy?
Silent Hill 2 Remake Bugged on PS5 Pro
Watching Cult for the first time today.
Is this normal wear on her beak or does she need to see a vet?
Was anyone ever a fan of SoBe?
So close yet so far. 7 days left
Any idea what this sound means? Sorry it's very quiet and hard to hear.. 🥲
What's causing these lines ?
My gta character…
Smash or Pass?
Smash or Pass? [Dry Brined]
My theory
[Spoiler] Chapter 5 Secret Boss Bugged? (PS5)
My own little paradise.
Who else took too long to defeat this p.o.s?
Turned my cat in a super hero
name suggestions?