My PIP ended on January 15th. I badly failed all my metrics. I didn't even hit 1/3 of any of the five metrics they gave me. How am I still employed?
Eli5, what drives the cost of energy produced by renewable sources?
ELI5, When you shake a box of aggregate or different sized particles, why do the large ones rise to the top?
Polar Bear having fun alone in the water.
What outdated or obsolete tech are you still using and are perfectly happy with?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had with a roommate?
I woke up terrified, unable to move my limbs, watching the black figure linger around my bed.
Coverup/rework ideas for this mistake 13year old me made?
My son learned about heterochromia in school and talked all day about how cool it would be to have 2 different colored eyes.
Trapped in an hour glass, Pinocchio says to himself "I'm so fucking dead".
My dad does this to avoid cutting pepperoni
What happened here?? Wrong answer only!
Something’s wrong and I can’t tell how I fucked it up
Secret Family Recipes should be shared!
Mob Lawyer
eli5 why is the moon appear to be a relatively perfect sphere but the earth looks like a raisin when imaged without water?
what's this little guy?
I(m18) just found out that my father(m42) baby trapped my mother(f40) with me.
Life would be that much more worse if barbeque sauce had ketchup juice
Why do our ears pop in a plane if the cabin is pressurized?
Cameraman caught landed plane without a landing gear
Did I do something wrong here? This is the first person I’ve matched with who’s messaged back.
Post First flush: mycelium bruising or mold?
First timer: effects on consuming possibly contaminated mushrooms
What’s the reason you have been banned from an establishment such as a shop/bad/restaurant/cafe/etc.?