I hate dragons. I dont play as them on purpose on every KR game. I just dont get the appeal. Is just because they are overpowered? Kids like them?
What’s the verdict on the dwarves flamespitters now that they can target flying enemies?
The changes for those who don't know about the February 9th patch
Why is Stregi considered bad?
Lore-wise, who is the most powerful hero?
Regarding Colossal Dwarfare script
"Let's start blasting", "Bang, bang, shoot'em down". I can't figure out the third voiceline...
Kingdom Rush Alliance's 2025 Updated Roadmap
Kratoa is great at dying...
Really cool DLC! Was hoping for the returning of Bolin someway, though
Brothers, have you seen the newest publications?
Some of his clone may mutate, but why not this chance. Or have you ever seen a ten foot dwarf with a canon arm? #GrymbeardClone
The Grym Zapper #GrymbeardClone (honestly Grymbeard and the Zapper from LoKR have a very close design, make you think)
Vat Keeper & Darksteel Freak⛏️#GrymbeardClone
#GrymbeardClone Grymbeard The Browed!
Aproximatelly when will season 6 get released?
People talking about the she-dragon, but this is the sexiest KR has ever been
Is there anyway I can get my hands on it art in the background?
I drew scott
Altought the gators mini-campaign is cool, I'm VERY excited to see what is coming!
Next tower will certainly feature a Linirean Barrack
Ink and Stone!!!
Overclock-based looks for the Lead Storm
Another one
Cave leech variant