Farmas vs y21??
Bro how?
What kind of dinosaur is this? Or is it a giraffe? 🤔
FINALLY got the forgotten after literally hundreds of attempts!
Delirium Hard
Crypto currency exchange?
What's your Favorite, Most Satisfying Boss to Kill?
What’s everyone’s least favorite quality 4 item?
Sloppy use of the DN
Which upgrades?
I’d say that every floor has at least one annoying enemy
What is the most underrated item? I'll start
I did it! I can finally play the game now. Time to get a BoI Tattoo! What should I get? Prolly Keeper’s Sack.
oxy made me throw up blood
does anyone have a PhD? I wanna know what those are for...
What is the character that you enjoy, but everyone else hates (or vice versa)?
Dead Cat?
Greed machine
I Have Repentance, but Can’t Access Repentance+
Repentance plus
I miss you cain and tainted Maggie
How to swap BTC <> XRM
If you could have one Isaac item in real life, what would you choose?