What suits me better? Curly (natural) or straight hair?
One of the best sounding vqs
One of the “best” sounding vqs
Just a regular Jeep day
Of course its an altima
In a world full of idiots, it's good to see some good people left to look after them
New to me 2016 XLE V6
I am 75.5% danish yet my 13% Jewish ancestry certainly shines through 😄 constantly get asked if I am Greek, Spanish, etc but never danish. Guessing it’s my nose and curls? (Swipe for face pictures) ☺️
Give me an honest critique (natty btw)
Tale as old as time
my k5
Patient reports she drinks "1-2 glasses of wine here and there"
At a full gym parking lot
Rental company dropped a Bronco off with these tires.
2021 SR
She lays on my feet and won't let me leave
What to do with nice bottles like this?
EMS lights on WRX
Eugene Costco
What Exactly Does This Function Do?
The plate really is the icing on the cake
What is the most “regular looking” sedan ever made? (ie. Middle-of-the road, no distinct features, prototypical car look)
"Personal desktop backgrounds aren't professional" bet