Not sure what to do: Upgrading from 6.4.2 to 7.2 Database Error no matter what options I choose.
Is there a FREE version (community/self-hosted) version of this? Very confusing/misleading if not.
How does your league split up majors and minors?
Why do the wealthy want to own everything and destroy regular people? What happens when they have everything, but they're sitting around alone in a wasteland on a pile of money that's worth nothing and meaningless?
Help a momma out with her 10 yr old.
Is it worth ending a 15 year marriage with 3 children over a kiss?
Has anyone heard of a catcher being told to use both hands to catch pitches?
My boss said she doesn't have to let me go to my doctor appointments
My wife (45F) talks shit about me (44M) to each and every one of her friends. What is reasonable for a spouse to discuss with friends?
AIO My husband changed the pin on his phone before hospital procedure..
Regarding Canadian liquor stores removing American whiskey, why wouldn't they still sell the stock they already have?
Hard Copy Sanitization/Destruction 800-88 is the guidelines to follow?
Professor wants to meet me in to discuss my exam ?
If you had the opportunity to grant immortality to yourself and your entire family, would you?
I 28m saw my gf 23f cheating sex tape
TRIGGER WARNING (?) I (20f) was on a call with my boyfriend (20m) and he said something that is making me reconsider things.
My coworker (18M) put me (22F) on a “hear me out cake” and posted it online. Do I take action in some way?
My wife returned from a work retreat with a hickey. She swears it’s a bug bite but I’m not convinced. I’m at loss. How do I move forward?
Presenting Bookstack!
Ontario slapping 25% surcharge on U.S.-bound electricity Monday, Ford says | CBC News
854 GCC High Licenses
ATP for CCP exam. Is in person recommended or is boot camp virtual okay?
What is Trump’s goal with the tariffs imposed on Canada? How does more expensive American products benefit the US?
AITA for Refusing to Take My Husband’s Last Name?
Opinions on buying used composite bats