What’s Your Kindle’s Name?
Book No.25 of the year.! What you all currently reading?
If you only had a month left in Houston/Texas, what would you do?
The birth of my daughter was the most beautiful thing in the world, with my midwife lifting her out of the water and placing her onto my bare chest.
Found one
What is this font?
What is this font? Any details appreciated.
Would it be possible to adjust their eyes to look at the camera?
Some might say I have a problem but I say it’s a solution
Alright guys 26 days left! We know how stingy monopoly is with the rewards so let’s all get together and help each other out! Find what you need in the comments!!
Astros Games
The bully mocked her in front of the entire class, pointing to the red stain on her jeans while shouting, "What's the matter, couldn't hold it in?"
It was wildly obvious now that I had chose the wrong man to have a child with.
free sneks or another awards for everyone!
Could someone put a sparkler (or a patriotic firework) in my dogs mouth?
Could someone remove the powerlines and powerline pole? Not really a high priority so if someone’s bored I’d appreciate it. If it’s too much trouble no worries. Thank you!
our new tiny orange has no name, please help us name him
Bug found in bathroom sink
Recently had a minor surgery. The hospital sent a letter asking for a donation based on my experience. They charged $21,000 for the procedure.
what is the prettiest song you ever heard in your life?
Snapchat AI “doesn’t know” my location, proceeds to tell me my exact location. (last photo is from my friend who asked them the same question)
I got my first patch yesterday
Fallen tree swings back into its old position after being cut in half
The way fish is sold/packaged in some parts of the world.
My school used our futures as guinea pigs