Anti-Microwave Popcorn?
Trying to find a song
What are the weirdest things you've seen at concerts?
backroad wellness prices? ??!!! Wtf
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
Happy feel good ska songs with a positive message?
Bought a Dr Pepper in the Bahamas, realized it has real sugar instead of HFCS
Warning: Meig's County Garlic Drip Hay Purchased
Who’s your favorite rapper?
TornPDA Text Tabs
Tips on fun things to do while tripping
On a scale of fucked up, how fucked up is your life?
I made pasta sauce from scratch and it was so good!
Got a friendship tat with my best friend 🤘🏻
Gram rip with a screen
Gram rip with a screen in the slide for those who don't like snaps. From my ustubes build a tube bubbler setup and the inline precooler.
Saw this painting today.
How do I make this stop?
What I ordered VS what I got.
From yellow milk to nothing
Do normal people write at the park??
Tripping At A Concert?
Help me celebrate my birthday.
What age are you and how do you feel?