info on the sgc discord
i make posts for girls with mental illnesses and to also vent my own serious issues. if you don't fit into that demographic please turn around.
is it bad that the only time i've cried in the past several years was rewatching madoka a few days ago?
Do You Guys Like my Germany Kaiserreich But Cold War Era Type image (Note: Prussia Has There Old Lands During 1790s)
i need this dress but i'm a fucking idiot and forgot what words to use when searching for it. help me. please. help. i need more dresses. i'm desperate.
love? nah, i'd die.
atonement is bitter, but i need to right my wrongs. the first step towards this is to at least try to put my own selfishness aside for the good of everyone else.
"being meguca is suffering" but being suffering isn't meguca? kinda unfair
does kyubey target middle school girls because middle schoolers are fucking stupid?
What's the coolest fight scene in Madoka Magica?
Does Klaris have long hair or short hair?
are these borders obtainable? squares are really cute.
Can we get a highlight at least of what state is still on strike?
how do i make my hair look as gorgeous as this? is it a side effect of true love and dedication or do i need to abuse hair products?
There are no inherent contradictions between socialism and selling out your country to shady nationalist organizations for weaponry!
Kaiser Wilhelm reference in The Great Gatsby
Favorite character with time based powers/abilities?
I never should have let her go. Now I'm doomed to live in the life I've created.
please do **not** try to comfort me abt this, i said untrustworthy which is an important difference.
scene's from madoka magica: rebellion. i have no clue what government i'm abt to have but savinkov is fucked
i want to love to know i'm still capable of it. i want to know i *can* feel it. i want to know i can still feel the burning need to be with them. not knowing if i'm even capable of love anymore hurts.
best path based purely on portrait/aesthetic?