Beat the original game for the first time on Mario Day!
Just over a year sober
What is the best song Corgan/Pumpkins have released in the last 24 years?
Welp…I have 0$ to my name now.
Unpopulated opinion: Opeth needs to get beter opening bands.
A local DJ I really looked up to was murdered last week and I really want to honor him by learning his craft. Advice please?
Other favorite oddball rappers
Rural voters in Illinois push to leave their states | AP News
OK Doomer by Audio Surplus Effects
String 🌴
What are some of your favorite CLEAN Opeth riffs?
First time wake n baking after 2 years of smoking!
Mikael picks the 5 definitive Opeth song
After 1600hrs+ I switched my titan to female
In Memoriam: a year without Scrambles, the Death Dealer (15 years on Earth)
How do I politely tell my drummer to lock tf in?
How did you discover Aes?
Best free games?
What is Opeths best guitar solo?
Who is your favoraite underrated character in Animal Crossing?
What is a step lighter than Deathmetal?
Today I smoke one for Tobbe, who will fall asleep for good this evening 3
"Look how they massacred my boy."
i refuse to believe my cat is real : a series
How many of us burned a couple of hundred dollars for a high school ring?