Arzt sagt ich habe nichts, aber ich bin ständig so so müde
Tonner Drones - da geht was!
Two different apps are giving me two different prices?
What OGs and Pepperidge Farms have in common
Die USA sind kurz davor, einen ihrer dunkelsten Börsentage zu erleben
A former JPMorgan employee has accused the bank of obscuring the true size of its trading business to evade capital requirements
Has anyone got a torch? It's a bit dark in here.
I think i *may* have found the box - and what's in it and i can literally show you
I think I have a there a support group for buying the dip?
So they can dump BTC to 40.000 and then claim GME lost half its war chest? LOl
What a coincidence
The OBV on the weekly scale is at an ATH.Wut mean?
BREAKING 📰 More than $1T was wiped out from the US stock market today, recording its worst day of 2025.
GameStop Could Already Own Bitcoin
Mein Chef hat eine Affäre mit einer Kollegin aus meinem Team und fordert nun meine Kündigung
Was this a warning shot?
Wo gemma rein Männer?
Some already access to Grok3? More information about their connection using deep research?
Elmo's Department Will Not Help GME
Shoot your shot, what's the worst that can happen??
LC: No debt + strong cash
Just in case you were wondering. Presented without comment.
The reason the after hours pumped with three times normal volume.
Was zum Teufel