Reminder: Double Affinity this weekend. And 4x Affinity if you get the free booster from the Hex Calendar!
Long time lurker, first time posting - Seeking feedback on Farm + Legends
Where there always 8 days left for the guild reset?
Floating Gems; where tf are they??
Let's talk about guilds.
Ohh gee
Has your romance pick changed after meeting the Hex?
Larian reveals BG3 is officially more popular than ever
When you and your sister are fighting each other while mother is busy on her phone
Stating basic military values is now deemed offensive and “overtly political” to certain people. (See comment)
Any "a-b-c" steps you might recommend? (DLC2)
[LFG][Crystal][Static][AST][Savage][sHC or MC][Open to Ultimates & older Savage content also]
AST -- [LFG][Crystal][Static][Savage][sHC or MC][Open to Ultimates & older Savage content after current content clears]
[LFG] [STATIC] [MC]or[sHC] [Savage] [AST] [CRYSTAL]
Unpopular opinion : This launch act as a good filter for community
Is it just me or is the Snowy Front way too hard compared to other voyages of wonders we have had before it?
Can't save the game
Obligatory first exotic post. From tachyon rift
Tired of seening your camp in a bloody mess? Use ray of frost and then fire bolt to clean it up!
First Exotic for my Cap, long live new patch!
With the latest patch, is it just the gauntlet that rewards exotics or is Last Avenger Standing included in that?
Feedback: Let me click on party member portraits to heal / buff.
A dumb question about dismissing your companions
We beat the tutorial and all i got was 3 lousy greatswords
Zhentarim hideout - initial dialogue