how to reset the stealth check increase?
no matter what i try, Ansur's Helm of Balduran always either gives +2 or +0 AC. Never +1 as it states. anyone else found this? In combat it always uses the +2 AC value for hit chance.
Question, I am using a PDF file for the Bible. But that doesn't matter. How should I read the bible?
this is the first time i am truly happy
ForniteMan has a Longer Biography than all of Team Liquid's Players Combined (On Liquipedia)
The Post-TI 2024 Shuffle
They Are Doing it Guys!!!
can a 42 year old get into this job now?
pls review before i order if you have time. do i need this wire network adapter?
noob here. where do these cables go? and the x670e manual doesn't tell me where to put the gpu. is it so obvious there is no need to write it down?
this PC is only 1900 usd. i expected more than 3k. did i do something wrong? how can i make this PC faster if my budget is higher? if you have time please take a look. need AAA titles on ultra settings to be happy.
To bring onboard as first timer
let's say I wanted to buy a state of the art gaming pc. rtx4090, the best i9, etc. which parts should I get? and where would I get them? order on amazon is safe? 4k€ realistic? live in Northern Europe
binocular recommendations?
Anyone else find it extremely hard to make plans with people who don’t fast?
Aui_2000 will be the first person to win 3 TIs
Were Jesus' first disciples Jews???
I made a handy flowchart to help people decide what hero they should try out!
How do I respond to my boss?
Why is Biblical prophecy ignored and not studied in so many Churches today?
Konfamition af skilsmisse børn.
Lineup for Asia & Pacific regionals (+ first Wildcard spot goes to Poland!)
Update 7.36 and Crownfall Act II
Non-US salaries
Will this break my fast?