It would have been nice to see dynamic in the MCU even tho I know it was never possible for the two characters to even meet
upon it's release has your overall opinion on who's side your on changed or has it remained the same since?
You are living in night city what is your profession in the city?
Who looks the most badass in a cobra Kai GI?
What is your ideal Sinister 6 team or in other words, if you had to choose the members for the next Sinister 6 who would you choose?
Say something that you don’t like about the ultimate spiderman comic
Live-Action, Anmiated, Game Spider-Man Logos
I was watching Born Again, and a question popped up in my mind that if Matt knows he once was a lawyer of Spider-Man? like Strange knew he worked with Spidey
New Images from Thunderbolts*
Brave New World isn't Terrible, but it is Incredibly Frustrating
What movie got you into the Jurassic Park/World franchise?
It you could personally own any captain America suit which suit would you want? And yes you get the Shield too
We need more street level movies and shows!!!!!
What would you say is the best weapon combo to have the in the apocalypse?
Would Spider-Man's 2 story overall be better of Miles wasn't really in it?
Are you excited for rebirth and d Rex?
Honestly if they didn't kill off crossbones in civil war he would have made a great villain for Captain America brave new world
After rewatching it I have to say JP3's side of the island is way more dangerous then the side in The Lost world
Reintroducing Iron fist and giving him another shot
So I've been wondering where does Orochimaru rank in terms of strength in the Akatsuki?
What's your unpopular opinion???
Demetri should learn Miyagi-Do Pressure Points in Part 2!
Hawk, Miguel and Robby 🤣in capture the flag 🤣🤣🤣
Miguel and Robby knew they're cooked😭
Who is more Powerful Anthony (S4) Or Kenny (S4) READ DESC