Had a hail storm. Can this just be stained over or does the fence need replacing? Most of the fence looks likes this.
Advice Needed - Railing Height Extension for Privacy Screen
Can I raise an existing fence?
Stain sipped into my side
Rate the transformation guys
Friendly Charlie!!!
8 ft appearance
What will a first timer’s likeliest mistakes/regrets when putting up a chain link fence?
Can these $150 low-end post hole augers survive digging in clay?
Would this be a good buy for $800
How do you handle "no overnight trailer parking"?
Which type of brace is the best
Ideas to close this gap? Dog escapes
Is this buyer trying to scam me?
Need Help!
Proper term for this style fence and how are the rounded top cut?
Contour Gate
Banshee not starting and I am afraid that my pistons are damaged
Why is this fence misaligned?
I bought the wrong boat
Polaris 350l how bad is this. Gas in bottom end
New guy at fence company
Serious EDC vs Youtube EDC
Financial advice
Should I let my car get repossessed?