Y9S4.2 Designer's Notes
Why is this the meta
Hear me out. Bring back old frag grenades BUT once you pull the pin out, you can't put it back in your pocket?
Versed top 200 champs with a gold on my team!
Why do people do this?
Assault Riffle Tierlist by Data/Statistic/whatever you call it (we ignore Recoil System).
Cant see people in my party
Do you like new drone movement ?
"Lets make shield melee do 0 damage, what could go wrong?" (@SylviaStyleR6)
Has anyone noticed the new seasons sprinting animation?
Why R6S isn't fair?
Bully Season is Upon Us…
how does this happen
Leak: Freeze for all Event Reskins + New skins
If Phantom Player is just the average of your party, what has Ubisoft been using up to this point ?
Im going insane
Bet you can't guess my rank
Klar is Official Down
Siege does not respect its players' time
Done playing ranked til they make solo Q playable
Hell nah
Not a strategic game anymore
Cant use utility while crouched (PC)
Me and my friends can't connect to r6 servers (Console)
Please wait while we connect you to the Rainbow Six Siege servers