Devilcorp or paranoia?
Not sure if this is a devilcorp or not but the reviews and website structure tells me it is. Anyone know for sure?
Best belt for under $60?
What's the worst "Bonus" a job has ever given you?
Godfrey Lee School Evacuation?
Huge Back up On 196?
Any FD notice the watering down of requirements to become a FD. Unless you want to be an embalmer, no school required which is an insult to all who have been to mort school.
Problem with GR Drivers
What’s that one alcoholic drink that you once had a bad experience, and now can’t even think about being near, let alone drinking it?
US Students: ID for NBE
Unsure about Apprenticeship
New hire didn't show up for first day.
What's your least favorite interview question to answer?
Was anyone not a fan of Nia/Dreamer and her storyline?
What is the dropout rate for mortuary science programs?
What Workout Regimens Do You Recommend?
I want different gifts!
Dear Recruiters,
Anyone Here Have Experience with Mint Mobile
Moms ashes mixed with someone else
Something odd is happening with the job market and I can't explain it.
Great place to get nails done
What’s something people get wrong about morticians?
Which main member of the League do you think should be the most experienced? (doesn't have to be one pictured here)
GR job market completely broken