23, Pre-HRT MTF. What FFS procedures should I get?
I'm terrified of people now...
Went to a gay bar. Had fun until…
I was i had xx chromosomes.
A guy approached to me today on a disgusting way
Can post op trans women be sent to men's prisons in the USA according to the federal executive orders?
On "Trans People Are So Sensitive!"
A ploy to force trans women to come out
Really don't want to hear passing doesn't matter
Does HRT actually do anything to your face?
Experience as trans woman who passes
Got a verbal warning for wearing makeup
Someone told me that we're only getting our "extra rights" taken away
Trump is as stupid as he is evil.
Tiny bit of unintentional good/amusing news in Trump's EO. All men are now trans.
I just realized the government labeled us as "extremists"
This Is An Absolute Attack, Especially for MTF trans people. God Damnit Why?!
Trump validates trans women
Ladies, please carry self-defense weapons
Transition is not helping...
I can start hormones soon!
FFS recommendations - 33MTF - 4 months HRT
1 y and 11month wondered if i could still go to swimming pool without anything
It finally happened