Modules and effects for late-game?
AD module is very powerful with the Bounce Target Sub Effect.
UCLA should cut enrollment
Did i upgrade my range too much?
what's the current meta on range workshops?
Finally got 1T/min
Damage per meter
Is damage to tower applied instantly or over time? I.e., can regen or life steal save you from big hits?
Next UW: SL, PS, or CF?
New device really does make a big difference finally at 1b coins/run
why don't my perk bonuses add up? max health 1.39+1.39=1.62?
Synched gt, bh, and dw!! Now what?
Standard Perks Bonus lab is really really good for farming, right?
Best arguments for strategy?
Overnight run question
UCLA steam tunnels map and entrance pic
First 1B/min after DW full sync with GT + BH
Elon Musk Strategy behind Support of Donald Trump
Worst event missions of all time?
Is health regen useful before wall?
Best Cards?
Is it possible this game is in its golden era?
Should I switch to my unique epic modules or keep the leg+ for now? My unique epics don't seem great