New phone upgrade time
Saw this on my walk and thought of you lovelies
How to overcome disappointment from someone close
Seeking advice about applying for a new job
What’s something you thought you needed, but don’t anymore?
Any of my Leslie Sansone people here?
My husband (33M) is upset with me (32F) for reading
Coming home from work to relax
The expectation to get everyone’s kids birthday gifts after you also got them Xmas presents is so obnoxious
Moving mindset
Best books on decreasing overconsumption?
Did your nparent ever make you feel guilty for sleeping in?
Control over Christmas food.
When do you say screw it and take down your listings and start donating everything
Is it just me or do the things we think we need not make us fulfilled or use it as much as we think and end up wasting money?
I would love to know what is on your simpliving bucket list!
Almost got swept up in it all
What are your best tips for taming your desire to purchase things you don't consider necessities?
PCOS solution
Remembering being ignored by my step mom for 2 months
RELENTLESS BV- maybe because of combo pill?
Got scammed by ANOTHER Naturopath