Can we watch jav in dantotsur? If yes then how
Ts was too peaceful they should've been traumatised like their parents🔥🔥🔥
Nice one ea
You have 3 bullets. Who are you shooting?
I'm sorry, but he needs to go.
Am i the only person that even when I have a strong connection in H2H
Who is better with same ranking and training?
I can't find this on anilist is it not there?
Can’t believe there’s people like this in the subreddit who take pride in such shameful behavior… (scroll to next slide to see what I mean)
Hey Guys isnt he 104
Suggestions? My midfield feels really weak in div rivals
all attack no defense ts pmo icl💔
fabrizio romano crashing out 🤯🤯🤯
This game just doesn't want you to get rewarded
anyone know when the next POTM is out and the requirements of mbappe?
State of the Game
50th pack opened today, 141k gems spend as of now (32nd day of the event), here are the results:
Do this actually have an effect in game?
If I start today, will i be able to get the final reward? Currently 0.
A super popular anime has been adapted into a game
Who else thinks Hamon could have been badass?
Sub off the goat and pay the price
Is it possible?