$1850 pc build, lemme hear your thoughts
2nd pc build give me notes if you would change anything
Got a wound playing footy, got it disinfected right away but then took the bandage off when I got back home. This is the wound after roughly 2 weeks. Should I be worried?
Is the cardano formula reliable?
It pisses me off when videogames cant get balisongs right. (correct me if im wrong on anything here btw, still relatively new)
The Question Thread - August 2023
What happened to The’s suit?
Anybody know where I could watch pulp fiction online for free? (ft. picture of some possums since text posting is not an option)
So I made a post about victor being a bad charactrer but here is something else
Same location, two different times.
Vanya is a terrible character
Super girl and barry
Super girls identity
Why does eobard thawne still have speed?
Villain identity revealed!
Time line issue
Barry relationship
Is anyone else annoyed with Barry allen messing everything up?