The Mediterranean in 1900 - What if Catherine the Great’s Greek Plan succeeded
How would you name this country? (Only wrong answers)
Why wasn’t India partitioned using straight lines? Did Queen Elizabeth forget her ruler that day?
Which city in Europe has more suburban sprawl of single family homes similar to the US?
How would you name these countries?
Πού πιστεύετε πηγαίνει η πολιτική κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα?
Trudeau says "No one in Canada should be afraid to call themselves a zionist"
The half of Greece's population lives in this small area.
Language families of planet Terra [NA OPAK Timeline] (note: I'm not a linguist, for some classifications I used various publications, yet I know some of those are controversial)
Anyone Else Get Anxious When Looking at Water in Maps?
my attempt to write all the us states as an american teen
The reach of Italian nuclear weapons.
Ισημερινός: 22 νεκροί σε ανελέητες συγκρούσεις – Συνδέονται με τη διακίνηση ναρκωτικών
Who would win in this hypothetical civil war?
Greek regional units (formerly prefectures), sorted by population.
Μετά τα συλαλλητήρια για τα Τέμπη: Νέα Δημοσκόπηση MRB
map shows how old are Czech borders!
Federal Republic of Africa in 2020 (re-upload of deleted map)
Ο Μητσοτάκης διαγράφει Κυριαζίδη μετά τις χυδαιότητες κατά Κωνσταντοπούλου
Incidents of political violence and demonstrations in Europe by month in the last 7 years
What if the Caucasus Region was comically thin? (Greater Caspian Sea)
A true Greco-turkish reconciliation | 1930 Treaty of Constantinople
The Kingdom of Syria, by u/Khersteinberg
Words Derived from Proto-Iranian *wardah (’flower’, ‘rose’)
What if Russia was a separate continent?