Any good military surplus boots with similar look to Dr Martens?
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Carhartt Workwear Fake / Replica Guide. Ask authenticity related questions here!
Got gifted this from a friend a few days ago
anyone available for a trade? it is a WJ097 in size small, I'm looking for the same jacket in medium
Is there any way to Tell which J97 colors are the rarest?
Model ID Help?
Which one should I keep?
You stole my Chipotle
Never thought I'd find one of these, let alone for $1
Pls help identify
Finally copped my first detroit jacket
[FS][USA] 2012 WJ130 FHB SMALL (French blue women’s active jacket): $110 shipped
How can I solve this bevel problem?
Just got this, I love it so much
Help identify this object
Pretty stoked on this photo edit. Before and after.
Too big?
[FS][USA] RETAIL vintage: hunter green c@rhartt-lookalike work jacket + ad1das UCLA zipup / f0g essent1als blacked out sherpa
Never seen this lining before unsure if it's a j01
Can’t decide
Info ID
Want to improve this render more. Suggest me some changes and give me some ideas.
First piece of clothing I made myself✨
My collection so far