Miért nem akar velem aludni?
I genuinely though my best bro Shane died from alcohol poisoning here..
Csibész banda
Who was your favorite character as a kid vs as a adult?
Do you guys still play Animal Crossing?
Reggeli melegedés
Elfáradtunk a gombolyag kergetésben
My very little collection
Cozy gaming night
Switch 2 Animal Crossing is going to be crazy...
I ranked every Kirby game I’ve played, are my rankings valid?
Mario's Theme, but it’s-a me, Accordion Mommy!
Saw this in another sub, post a pic of your pet and I’ll tell you what villager they remind me of
Cuki cicás alvós képeket kérnék🥹❤️
Cica kaja ajanlas
Pici Nokedli délutáni szundija
What is your island name? How did you pick it?
Tőrvényesen kié a macska?
Trying Shin Black for the first time :)
Choose one.
I decorated my Dsi XL and I love it :3
Rate my game collection
Tarhonya, a kisherceg