Does anyone know where to go to get a tire rim fixed on a Sunday?
I made a hat for Munch from her sister's fur, and she curled her feetsies in response.
Any ideas what I can do with my teenage family members tomorrow?
i flew across the atlantic for a chance at a hug from my mom. i made it. the next morning, i was with her when she passed away.
Does anyone know of any French bakeries nearby?
I work for a delivery company where I work with 2 speed settings to determine timeframes for each delivery. How would you calculate the speed settings?
I work for a delivery company where I work with two speed settings to determine timeframes for each delivery. How would you calculate the speed settings?
I think my sister's relationship could possibly be abusive and involve hard drugs. How should we go about talking to her?
I think my sister's relationship could turn abusive and possibly involve hard drugs. What should I do?
Do I look good?
I’m drunk and lonely
Munch serving very proper curled feetsies.
Straight males of reddit, what’s the gayest thing you’ve ever done?
Have you ever laughed so hysterically at something so simple you were starting to get legitimately worried that you were losing your sanity or something? About what were you laughing so hard then?
What's something that is romantic in movies but creepy in real life?
Old Scientology Building in Toronto. Empty for over a decade now
What movie is the best anti-depressant?
Munch had a miscarriage yesterday and since then she has not been able to get enough of her mom💛 we found her on the street about 2 months ago and had no idea she was even pregnant
What is a movie ending that makes you cry, no matter how many times you've watched it before?
Mermistress Halloween costume (bottoms)
The last picture taken of my beloved nephew on Halloween night. We lost him in a drowning accident the next morning. He was truly the cutest monster and a joy in my life.
Until next summer...
Impersonating dead people on Instagram to steal people's information? May be the trashiest thing I've ever experienced.
The lead up to Christmas is often better than the day it self.
What was the most petty thing an adult did to you, when you were younger?