Same room, different sides
Dedicated PhysX Card Comparison
When the atheist runs out of options
A House Centipede Molting it's Exoskeleton
Day 8: Morally Grey, Hated by Fans
Day 7: Good Person, Hated by Fans
Gigabyte windforce OC rtx 5090
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E06 - All I Can Say Is I'm Sorry
I cook steak for a living ama
Made this, Mom wouldn't even try it
50+ Dead, 48 HRS from Onset to Death
Looking back this was probably the most critical moment of the season
What’s the one phrase you’ve said more than anything else in your career?
Did cpr on a 92 y/o pt who was obviously in rigor mortis
Looking for a unique dressing that’s not thick and heavy (i.e. thousand island) but also not as light as oil based dressings (Italian.) Preferably something refreshing. Any suggestions?
What is the best Mechanical Keyboard you've tried?
It’s finally here
I got a 5080!!
BREAKING NEWS: The Philadelphia Eagles' appearance at this year's Pro Bowl Games has officially been canceled
Hows it feel to be American these days?
Got a 4090 on FB marketplace for $900!
Ranked is super fun in Diamond
Learned an expensive lesson
Game Thread: NFC Championship Game - Washington Commanders @ Philadelphia Eagles - January 26, 2025 @ 03:00 PM
There's a zombie apocalypse and the first item on your left is your weapon, what is it?