Photo dump of Iceman related attempts
Some quick poses using Fahrul's headsculpts
Amazing Friends
I told myself i would never buy a Mafex figure but this might be an exception.
Fantastic 4
Since some people think this CT hellverine is a new issue I made this info chart of how they have been doing it forever just no one cared. Bootleggers steal. They arent 3rd party they steal official and customs 1-1.
What BP figure should I get?
How do you guys stop yourselves
Buying as soon as I can
It looks like Maximum Spider-Man is on the smaller side in regard to scale, compared to the Renew Your Vows Spider-Man. I’m glad to see it. Peter Parker is listed as 5’10”, so the scale seems appropriate.
Even the artwork on the package has the yellow boots LOL
What's a Marvel Legend figure that was so bad that it affected your mental health?
Best Black Suit Spider-Man?
never buying another one
What if Man-Spider colours were inverted? I think it looks much cooler. What do you guys think?
Maximum Series Spider-Man preorders have sold out at BBTS
Its as if his spidey sense is tingling 24/7.
Maximum Series Spider-Man is $49.99
Marvel Legends Maximum Spider-Man Price
Finally got this Hobby Genki haul after almost 2 months waiting for an invoice smh lol
Told myself once I grabbed the CT wolverine, I'd paint the stripes black. I bungled it a lot but I do like the final result:)
Let them thunder, for I am lightning!
Which headsculpt do you like better? They're both so damn good!
Time to clean after 6 months!