Check the Mixtape.
I hope they shut down again
Giving advice is a shitty thing to do
New Dead Air Sandman X! Will it blow up? Funny how they lost the Keymo
Unpopular opinion: physics is harder than organic chemistry
PSA 6ARC Sabre with Magpul ICAR
5.56 suppressor
TIL George Washington decided to step down after two terms because he feared he might die in office and Americans would then view the presidency as a lifetime appointment
Popcorn time
New Coulthart Interview Dropping Next Week With Col. John Blitch
PSA Mixtape
Why you no tip me 30%
Random shop in Budapest, HU
China develops new iron making method that boosts productivity by 3,600 times
Dystopian app where you livestream as an influencer to an audience entirely of AIs
A warning to those this winter, Quattro can only help you so much
Any beef burger is tastier than any steak
Is 10 LORs too much?
Why Does China Block All U.S. Apps While We Allow Theirs Without Demanding Reciprocity?
Husband quit job after being promised a raise.
What do I do after a girl bites my lip in a kiss?
Got approved in 22 hours
Looks like Griffin is copying KAC (again). Why am I not surprised?
New UAP whistleblower has 'overwhelming evidence'
6ARC ICAR Magazine