In 2015 French Navy's Rubis class SSN Saphir managed during a wargames to avoid detection by the carrier's escort frigates & the ASW aircrafts and having obtained a firing solution she "sank" the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71).
Lost Water Bottle
Just got accepted as a nuke and ship out this August but how hard is the schooling?
Intel Internship Pay question
When will they stop gatekeeping Ginsburg’s study lounges?
future trojan - how realistic is working at jpl?
Recommendations for cafe racer style bikes for beginners?
Should I go in as an officer?
The Village People perform at Trump’s pre-inauguration rally and the “sailor” is bringing back NWU Type 1 like it’s 2009.
Anyone ever have a course they needed to graduate get cancelled?
Best Japanese/sushi restaurant in Philly?
Can you retake the color vision test at MEPS if you fail?
20 year old. Layover in LV, stay at airport or look around?
Nukes or No Nukes?
Salary Cap as a Plant manager, Nupoc route, or MBA/PHD Route
Concerned about future classes
ChemE masters??
MEPS Color Blindness Misdiagnosis
What are recruitment panels that are happening this week?
INTERN application
Communication with family/significant other throughout service?
Organic Chemistry Internship
where can i find the best water at usc?
Should I apply for NUPOC or wait to apply for OCS for Aviation?