What do yall think of bell hooks, particularly what she's said about Black Men?
Wanted to share this video of the banjo being played with the Kora. @Buffalonicholsmuisc on the banjo and @abdoukabillomusic on the kora
Why is Clark Atlanta so expensive?
What? Why? Soles are in mint condition, but every shoe is sliced open in the front.
Who should play Black panther in upcomimg films.
US military active and reserve duty members, how are you feeling? What's the consensus between you and your colleagues about Trump?
Military to remove 'Enola Gay' photos for violating DEI rules
Not white people trying to say they invented jazz music 😭
Black Male Privilege
Perhaps stepping forward is the wisest choice.
I wanna see something…
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, Declares he’s a Zionist during speech today
Dr. Umar is Not a “Grifter”. If you believe so, You’re either offended or mentally defeated
Owners of expensive SUV asking for free drinks.
Why does Reddit show me Beyonces ass every two seconds?
PETA (2019)
y’all need to get in the gym. Seriously
The U.S. education system is trash but some of you mfers genuinely did not gaf about learning in school
How the hell did y'all walk around with Discmen???
AIO bought my bf a $200 pan, told him not to use metal on it.
These books I found.
R&B Singer Tank Bway Debut
Othello Review - lottery win follow-up!
Will a boy named Valentine get bullied?
AITA for point blank refusing to be my sister’s surrogate, because it would ruin my "mummy makeover"?