I beg you, Darwin.
[EU] 2,7k Rifle looking for new season team
Is faceit trolling me that I got put in some kind of low trust factor queue or am I really just that unlucky :D??? 300 elo lost and I keep getting games like this... like I get slumps but I never got so many 13:4s in a row ever
“You know exactly what you've done, sir.”
2.67 avg kd and 0.98 kd alltime with 30wins in a row over 6 days
A girl on Instagram "Lets Go on a Date" Drive for 1 hour and dont Show Up, she Takes a Photo of me instead 😡
Deutscher CS1.6 Public Server
yeee i think im good on playing faceit, 1300 to 846 in a week
Ohne's pre-match team talk was insane
Why is Dutch and Sadie following me from camp and around the map?? I’m not in a mission or anything
[EU] Looking for Level 10 teams for Valve Licensed free entry league (with prize pool)
Figure me out, detectives!!
Nenn mir einen Rapper und ich sag dir seine beste line
Was ist der schönste Name, den ihr je gehört habt?
Wo ist Hiob hin?
what song best represents this pic?
Deleted Faceit and CS
Wann wurdet ihr, egal ob beruflich oder privat, wegen einem angeblichen Notfall gerufen nur um beim Eintreffen dann festzustellen, dass es sich um eine harmlose Nichtigkeit handelte?
Has anyone else seen “If this gets weird” ?
Bands with guitar tones similar to Colour Haze's signature tones?
Welche Art von Menschen hasst ihr am meisten?
Getting rid of solo queue CS2
Anyone have a fix?
Messer für Echtgeld verkaufen?