Chaturanga -> Urdhva Mukha Svanasana transition is ruining my mat. Is it me or the mat?
I tried Ashtanga primary series
Smartwatches for rowing
48f - 10 pistol squats each leg (struggling with the left)!
Help with pasasana
The struggle of eka pada
NE regional left without 100 passengers from DC
Sirshasanna B
Long socks that stay up?
Can I get a short rower's perspective?
Recognize this Concept 2 model?
Another merino leggings post, i’m sorry: Need opaque leggings with pockets. i’ve tried and rejected Woolx piper, Wool& summit, and Woolly brand. help?
Anyone has experience with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome?
In the Wake of a Trump Election Victory, training has to be more rigorous than ever.
New to rowing and loving it
R. Sharath Jois (Paramaguru) and heart attack?
bhekasana confusion
Creative tips for supta kurmasana
Who will succeed Sharath Jois?
Sharath Jois just passed away
French wife struggling with food (help)
First drop back
This is Bobby