48 [M4F] #Northeast - Let’s be honest with each other.
What do you know about the rise of incest in America?
Beginner question
what is your favorite movie or series and why?
What is your hobby?
What was the best concert you've been to and who did you see?
What movie would you kill to watch for the 1st time again?
What celebrity has the most annoying fanbase?
What celebrity death did you actually feel quite sad when you found out?
What daily situations make you feel unnecessarily uncomfortable ?
What’s something that tastes so amazing you can hardly believe it’s actually healthy?
What is something you can say in bed and in a job interview?
To the people who refuse to pay for whole body deodorant, is there an equivalent that works just as well for less of the cost?
What happened during that time you had a random stranger help you out?
What made you lose faith in humanity?
Would you rather have an electric stove or a gas stove and why?
Is my male friend attracted to me?
I’ve been dating this girl for a year and I’d like to make her my girlfriend but I have a £5k debt
What’s a hidden gem destination most people don’t know about?
How would you go about friending people on Reddit? Do people do that here?
What's your biggest pet peeve?
What is something you would never buy even if you were filthy rich?
What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?
What show, movie or album are you looking forward to this year?