Where should I post this?
Well, what did he get? Don’t lie!
Type “I am” and let your autocorrect finish it
Aight you know the drill
אתם חושבים שקבוצת חברים יכולה לכלול נשים וגברים מבלי שיהיה משהו רומנטי?
Complete the sentence
play with me on israel
Can you spell out what sound this makes?
Help me my led button doesn't work
Guys where do you pee?
Those guys already in 2024
Say something random
Damn it
Damn I could have bought the 5000 series
Today I'm buildings my 1080p machine
I’m not ___ing women any more
What was this game for you?
What song are y’all playing?
You had one job
The S's are upside down
The S are upside down
How cooked are you?