question about jodi
"don't use dating apps, they suck" WHERE ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO MEET PEOPLE???
TRANS MEN ARE MEN - And unequivocally welcome here in GuyCry.
[Hated Trope] They’re not the good guy. They’ve never been the good guy. The creator(s) specifically *tell* you they’re not the good guy. Yet there’s a large number of fans who seem to believe that they’re the good guy.
Children were forced to torture transgender Minnesotan man tortured for over a month before being killed. 7 people face murder charges, officials say.
AIO about these emails my boyfriend got?
AIO my fiancé hit me two nights ago and now I’m leaving him
My daughter’s school says I can’t walk her to the building
2 Men Arrested After Allegedly Destroying Beloved Paddington Statue in Author's Hometown
I effectively waterboard myself every morning to get myself ready for work
attak wiki makes me laugh everytime i see it
Excuse me??
If they found out, they'll literally kill me
When I do job interviews and employers ask me "Why I want the job?" is "because I'm broke and need money" and acceptable answer?
Genie Wiley was raised in a dark, isolated room with no knowledge of the outside world until she was 13. Her father was incredibly abusive, and when authorities rescued her, she was unable to speak at all and only made infantile noises.
I found this in my new world and it looks abnormal does anyone know what it is?
the Most selfish character
If you thought your country was three to six months away from a violent collapse, how would you prepare?
Question for French learners and beginners ✨️🇫🇷
AIO My husband left us at the hiking trail
AIO?! This recent Elon post has me freaking tf out…
This store has very good reviews btw
Parents of emaciated Lacey Fletcher, who was found dead, fused to a sofa and caked in her own waste, face 40 years in prison after pleading 'no contest' to manslaughter
I was today years old when I discovered Neve has a pegleg...