How do you deal with your own lust in marriage?
I got my second stripe and i don’t feel like I deserve it
What collaborations would you like to see happen?
He was right that night when he said....
Marielle Franco: Two powerful politicians arrested over Brazil murder
Steam deck doesn't work without a power supply, even though it shows that has some battery left.
O que voces acham do steam deck?
Elden Ring on deck
PSA: Valve Will No Longer Replace/Repair Batteries
I'd love to have wendigoon's take on the Varginha UFO incident
Why the image of broken hands?
Not Ready
Smiling piglet is here to brighten your day
What a cutie!!
That tail is powered by pets
Romanian Village Re-Elects mayor posthumously; People say he had done a good work and deserved the victory
Bunny fluffing her bed for night night time
China forces 500,000 Tibetans into labour camps
This is the kind of traffic i don't mind being stuck in.
Focus on the things you can control
How to make myself happy
IWTL a martial art
Self Improvement questions
On love, loneliness and moving on
ELI5: How can trivial artworks sell for outrageous prices?