BRIEF-D-Wave Announces Successful Completion Of $150 Million At-The-Market Equity Offering REUTERS - 56 MINUTES AGO
Another perspective on the relevance of quantum computing in space exploration
Trump 2.0
Narrowing down the sale of D-Wave's Advantage system. Breaking down Alan's interview.
Weekly Discussion Thread (Jan 13 - 17)
Buying at 6$?
What can I do with my Philosophy degree
[epistemology] Your reading recommendations, and major works in the field?
Objections to the Dutch Book Argument
Kettenhemd zum Stichschutz effektiv oder lieber Schutzweste?
Touristical questions megathread
Scooter/small moped rental in Nice?
What do you do besides Muay Thai
Why did you choose MuayThai instead of other martial arts?
7 Jahre vor Renteneintritt noch anfangen zu investieren? Wenn ja, wie/worin?
BIDA, wenn ich nicht will, dass meine beste Freundin Kontakt zu meinem Ex-Freund hat?
How do people train every day
Testosteron durch Eiswürfel
Reliabilist justification of Priors in Bayesian Epistemology?
A comparative analysis of Bayesianism and Frequentism
[Q] Does a comparative analysis of Bayesianism and Frequentism make any sense?
Absence of Simplicity may lead to overly complex hypotheses
Welche ist die hässlichste Uni Deutschlands? Mein Vorschlag: Uni Siegen.