Deathwatch war band Ideas
Motivation drained, questions to hopefully get it back
Do you need Melee if running BSTF?
New player to New World! 🫡
Decided to get back into this game after a major PC upgrade. Now that I can run the game above 40 FPS, what are some of your guys' favorite weapon pairings?
Am I overreacting? thinking this means my wife slept with the guy
Where are the massive protests against Trump's dismantling of US democracy and his 180 on US foreign policy of the last 80 years?
A genuine question, Americans.
Goodbye Maramma Pic.
Maramma's Last Map
What is the average amount of money each player has?
To OPR Players: Why Won't You Fight On Point?
Is 2 Corvus Blackstars a bad idea?
I Tested Rogue VS Penetrating Backstab
Someone who was making a SNS & Greatsword build said that the perk of the greatshield artifact still applies when I switch weapon and use my Greatsword. Is this true?
Deathwatch or Ultramarines?
How do you counter Space Marines?
Novara | Fedora | EndeavourOS | PopOS | which one is great for gaming?
Returning player
Inquisitor and Indomitor Kill Team
All roads lead to Valhalla
Are there any examples of alpha legion winning in a more straight up fight on the battlefield?
Annoying Tank Build For CK?
To craft 725 Gorgon gear with all 3 perks it takes over 300+ prismatic resources... Isn't that kind of INSANE?
Why are Fedora users so enamored with doing fresh installs ? (dnf, dnf distro-sync, repos)