Sobbing on live cuz she's "losing her job"
We're back ☠️
Vermont Law school (online/hybrid)
Part-Time Law School for Full-Time Workers
Coked out of her mind at almost 6 am her time
Positive hybrid/online experiences?
Gwen McMullen
Hybrid Law School Balance
How are the 1L's feeling right now ?
Her overconfumerism is insane!!
Anyone here use Spivey for their law school applications to Sub-T14 Schools?
in regards to my last post
Trip not filling up
Stats for Syracuse JDi
Drinking problem
Just graduated from PT program at Maryland. AMA
Thinking of Law School
Syracuse turnaround time?
For non-KJD, how old will you be when you start law school?
I’m going to law school and I can’t help but feel bad about myself.