Going to take salvia
I need to make money and fast before i end up homeless
People bashed me and told me to grow up/my trauma isn’t trauma
Any sleeping pill recommendation?
One of my favs!!! 💦💦💦💦
Does anyone else literally do nothing?
Insanely hot
Everything triggers me
Antidepressants actually help anyone?
What a timeless body!!
What is HPN neurofeedback?
How did you develop CPTSD if you didn't have narcissistic parents/weren't the scapegoat in the family dynamic?
Therapy is useless
Therapy will not fix your life
Considering for cPTSD with Fainting
LSD vs Pcilocybine
Give me a reason to live
Was EMDR helpful?
Can you just think away ptsd with no therapy
Which therapy works best for trauma?
has anybody else here experienced such severe anxiety that you had delusions or psychosis?
Were you ever told by mental health professionals that your case is too difficult and not curable?
What’s something “abnormal” you’re really good at due to CPTSD?
my heart aches when i talk to anyone..