Kleine Anfrage der Union an Tag 1 nach der Wahl zur staatlichen Finanzierung von "Omas gegen Rechts", Correctiv, Amadeo Antonio Stiftung u.a.
Nothing fancy, but this made me fall in love with telecasters
What is your current strings of choice and why?
Opinions on this set?
First amp (boss katana 50) any tips? Is there an app for it
Was war der beste „sinnlose“ Luxus-Kauf, den ihr nie bereut habt?
Is there something wrong here?
I guess it's csht now
Made some Finals Decals for my bike
-❄️- 2024 Day 6 Solutions -❄️-
Do guitar body shapes matter?
Embark, Please fix the ranked system in season 5, please.
Why do people hate pointy guitars?
Fuck leavers in this game
Update 4.8.0 — THE FINALS
Let me convert 5000 VRs into 50b multibucks
Strap locks for a Gibson SG?
Medium mains, what's your favorite skin for the Model? Mine's probably this one
There is something wrong with the RS calculation
So now, that the Model has been nerfed, the game is perfectly balanced right? You guys are not gonna complain about a different weapon in a few days time… right?!
Anyone else suffering from glass-perception-deficiency-syndrome?
Halloween is fine and all but Ghost Heavies are too much
Patch Notes: Update 4.4.0
Trade Republic weigert sich Transaktion zu widerrufen
Embark, pls fix your game!!! (No, the problem is not missing skill)