How accurate is this statement?
Serious Answers only: Was this Use of Force technique reasonable on the unruly streamer?
Can this guy get into legal trouble for directing traffic in public roads?
POV: On your patrol and you observed these teens does this. Would you pursue them?
Part-time Hospital Security Here, You All Have My Full Support
Hospital Security, how common is this incident?
Hit and Run by Securitas Technology
How many shots to stop the threat?
Gas Station fight escalates to the highest level.
LEOs, in a case of deadly force. How many shots fired is reasonable to stop the threat?
How do you deal with bystanders who is interfering with your arrest?
To security professionals, do you agree with the CEO’s statement about patrol vehicles?
Rate his fit.
Pretty Cringe
What are the worst candidates that you DQ'd them?
To non-security redditors, here is the Canadian security law that allows security guards to make a "citizen's arrest"
Mall security, what would you do if you observe this incident CCTV?
How common you guys responded to DV calls like this?
My brother physically abused me.
Patient assaults hospital security guards then lights up a smoke
Can this still be investigated if this incident reported months after the sexual assault?
My wife was sexually assaulted - she kept it from me for months
Oh boy...