Replacing drones afte bushfire.
VT.396 Serial Transfer Request - Discord: Verethy
V2 Serial Request Verethy#0127
V0 Serial Request - Verethy#0127
Serial Request - Trident 300 - Verethy#0127
VS.471 Serial Transfer Request - Lawson#7061
Voron Switchwire Serial Request Verethy#0127
Trident 300 Serial Request Verethy#0127
So.. I guess that half the player base have their Birthday today... according to WG.. congrets and enjoy your Supercontainers.
Crashes after the hotfix on Series S
First layer edges peeling
First layout/schematic review
First attempt at PCB, missing anything?
Chicken Coop control box with 12v relays for actuators
Reminder that buying roubles online will get you banned.
Octoprint setup?
People with Octoprint: how is yours set up?
Is switching from Cura to Prusaslicer worth it? I've seen a influx in posts saying Prusa is better, but I don't understand how
Purchase Advice Megathread: What To Buy, Who To Buy It From, And More, In October 2020
Looking for camera for long driveway
Can someone explain material damage to me?
BfA ending leak from 4chan. Siege of Stormwind.
Vanilla quest line needs a little love
is there an addon/macro that makes destination based spells "quick cast" like in league of legends?
Thanks for the advice! New Morakniv Companion F Serrated
Looking for some knife advice