If you can get any car in the world for free, which car would you choose?
What is this weeks main thing you have to do?
What movie made you cry the first time you saw it?
What is one thing that makes a strong friendship or relationship?
What would make you classify someone as a genius?
What is your opinion on the movie Dracula Untold? And why?
What is your favorite song that carries a big message?
What's the dumbest way you've ever injured yourself?
21M Looking for long term friends!
You, You Are My Friend
F4A Ive noticed I get horny at this hour. Help me out?
What's a quote or line that feels fr, whether yours or one you've read?
Write “yes” if you’d fuck me in your bed
M4A Truth or Dare
25 [F4M] You guys decide my fate ;)
20 [F4M] nyc - im horny and sending
M4F Truth or Dare
18 [F4M]-who wants to see me spreading my pink pussy
You can remove one unnecesary thing what are you removing?
What movie dialogue stuck with you?
What is that one thing someone did for you, that changed your life?
What is the best thing to do on a day off and having the place all to yourself?
what's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?
What is the worst thing about adulting?