Portals Parfums and Crybaby perfume dupes ❤️ hope this helps yall!
Cute wedding dress yall!
Highschool Sweethearts won!🩷🥧 best song from each album/EP day 5: SINGLES🐈💗
Imagine if this guy manages to survive until the end and wins the game 💀
Stop doing the “(brand) style item” and making the brand listing not the actual brand 😭
how can i l know if im actually ugly or just body dysmoprhic
Sooo greedy..
What's a song everyone doesn't like but you absolutely love?
How TF do I style this
Oh how I love fans.
im so sick of yall 😭
Another nice day on Depop
oh my.
Getting real sick of this crap
Best death in your opinion for whatever reason. I’ll start.
What song would you listen to on this walk
When I first heard Saccarine no joke I literally started ascending.
Which hair color looks the prettiest on her?
WHY do people do this genuinely curious 😭
What’s yall opinions on these three new Hot Topic pieces of Merch?
are we okay??
"do not buy no refunds" what is the point of listing this then
“good condition”
Worst notification just let me know when they buy it