Loving the look so far, please don't ruin it.
What was your first introduction to the Battlefield Series and How old were you when you played it.
How do you want the next Battlefield to do loadouts?
What Battlefield opinion has you like this?
Hey this is looking pretty good!
Guess the Trailer 2 Release Date Contest
Kurdish-led SDF target a post of Turkish-backed SNA groups in Abu Qalqal front, December 27,2024.
Softbody Physics on Unity(1 year later) - FlexicX
Unity Forest Package
PKK/YPG shot down American MQ-9 Reaper UCAV in Syria. 09/12/2024
A rebel tank engaging SAA forces in western Aleppo
Archival footage of Russian KA-52 barely dodging a Starstreak missile in Ukraine
NATO General Stoltenberg speaks on Ukraine offensive. “You can’t sit here in Brussels, at NATO headquarters or EU headquarters, and tell them exactly how they should fight.”
Man blows off leg with Tannerite filled Lawnmower
I’m having anxiety right now, My mom said she doesn’t like my chest tattoo? Help me out please
Armed Forces of Ukraine video montage showcasing their helicopters. Mi-24P attack helo, Czech donated Mi-24V, US donated Mi-17-V5
Pulling tick data with TWS for interactive brokers API, getting issues
A rookie needs your help
4chan poster gets arrested at his mom's place.
Overly obsessed health freak
Any platform to recommend for no-code bot trading ?
300 —> 7500 in two weeks. Must be doing something right.
Asking advice for a Odte SPX yolo
If you have purchased 2042 on steam scroll down on the store page in order to access the beta!
Dice probably can't have this much gun customisation ,I hope they at least have 60% of this.