r/Battlefield Has Hit 1 MILLION Subscribers! 🎉
Which battlefield do you have the most hours in?
Question on funds and stocks
I miss multiplayer aircraft takeoffs & landings. Let's talk about that!
What do you think of the mechanics of dragging a teammate to another position ?
These screenshots show how the detailed game menu looks , the very in round , the overview of soldiers look great and the loading screen and map
Sudden death on the Xbox 360
Pyro as a man and woman
Yall want revive animations back like we had on BF5? Or want more arcade like the other Bf's?
What was your most memorable BATTLEFIELD Moment in BC2?
What don’t you want in the new Battlefield?
Does anyone have Tips to stay hydrated during fasting in Ramadan?
What was your first introduction to the Battlefield Series and How old were you when you played it.
Next BF Campaign Leak
Should the next battlefield include guns?
Brings back good old memories
After long pause from BF4 and around 2000h in 2042 I returned to BF4 and…
BF4 on a Saturday night.
Kicked from servers in bf4
Are there any gameplay mechanics from other games you'd like to see in the new Battlefield?
What classic Battlefield 2 map would you like to see in Battlefield 6 that hasn't been recreated before?
What do you NOT want in the new Battlefield?
BF3 Aussie server LIVE! (Pc)
Thick44 in the next Battlefield
I hope the JDAMs in BF6 don't Force you into that little screen. That ruined it for me in BF4. I want to be able to drop it just from 3rd person eyeballing, Luke Skywalker style.