Can You Make a Full-Time Career as a USMC Reserve Officer Without Going Active Duty?
Tips on actually how to properly train for running?
Week 6
Dating Active Duty Enlisted Prior to Commission
AD Soldier. Still in. Guess my rank.
Enlist or OCC? 29 year old E-5 (Army NG) Wife has Stage IV Brain Cancer
Just crossed 9 years
248’s final numbers are in
Is this real
I’m a 19yo Married Intel marine with a step kid in the fleet. AMA, life, military etc.
Accepting the fact that I WILL be going to PCP
Army Service Uniform
Im a Prior Service Recruiter. Ask me anything. I may or may not know the answer to your question. Im not in any official capacity here, just trying to help out Marines!
Is the hype over?
Just say "yes"!
New Scotch?
Got corrected by an NCO and I'm a spouse.
Who here has these uniforms
Go. To. Medical.
Happy Friday, what is an unpopular Army opinion that you’re willing to die on a hill for?
Any way I can still join? Or no?
Who does the Commandant Submit his Leave Request to?
It's a Marine veteran owned business. How can you tell?
how does BAH work if you live on base?